Friday, July 25, 2008

Week two pics

I left my camera in the trunk of Jeff's car for the past three days, so I hadn't taken any pics of Davis since the night he came home. It's crazy, but it feels like he changes so much every day! We were thrilled that he weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces this morning at the pediatrician's office - he is already back to his birth weight! He had his circumcision this morning as well as his second PKU (needle poke in the heel.) Needless to say, it was not a great morning for the little guy. He is resting peacefully in his bed right now and Jack Everett is at his weekly play date with Meemaw. It's nice to have some quiet time to myself for a couple of hours.

Davis in one of his cute preemie outfits from Grandmama.

He looks like he is trying to tell us something.

Laying on a beautiful handmade blanket from Sharon Pron. It's such a perfect backdrop, so I am sure it will be in the background of dozens of photos to come.

Sweet feet.

Jack finally decided I had taken one too many pictures of just brother.


cristina said...

precious, precious. :)

caught a bit of a stuffed toy in a few of those shots....wished i'd taken more pictures of the kids with a reference object. (i did for michael for a few months, then not so much, then never with alex.)

oh, and i don't think jack counts since he's growing too. :)

Julie said...

I'm good at translating baby sign language and I'm pretty sure Davis is saying "yo yo, whatup dawg!" Yes, I'm quite certain that's what it is.
Just let me know if you need me to interpret anything else.