Sunday, July 13, 2008

One last Hoorah as a family of three.

As you can imagine, I still have a lot to do tonight for the Big Day tomorrow, but the side of me that loves to procrastinate figured if I don't clear these pics from my camera now, I never will! Jeff is just as distracted as I am - he is watching old home videos. He was supposed to be simply charging the camcorder. We are terrible.

Here are some pics from this afternoon at the Bjorn's Summer Picnic 2008.

Before leaving for the picnic - the night before Baby Brother is born! 37 weeks, 6 days pregnant!

Jeff and Jack wait in line for the Moon Bounce wearing their matching picnic shirts. Mommy shows off her spiral in the football toss. Dad, look at that follow-through. Being a football coach's daughter definitely has its benefits.

Jack joins in a round of BINGO. When he didn't have the number called, he would just put a bean over the letter. It was pretty funny.

Here he is "competing" in the bungee run. You are supposed to run as hard as you can, place the marker on the Velcro strip, then the cords spring you back. Whoever makes it furthest wins. Jack gives it his "best effort" against this little girl. The gear was so heavy on him, but he seemed to enjoy it!

Daddy showed Jack the "washer game." Jack then insisted that he teach me how to play it. In the first video, (turn up the volume) he gives me detailed instructions. In the second, he demonstrates his technique. I love watching him react to being frustrated, then excited. (No, Jeff didn't tell him that when you make it into the hole it's called a "strike." He created that terminology himself.)

Another first for Jack Everett - COTTON CANDY! After checking the ingredients and confirming it was made from 100% junk (but no allergens,) we agreed to let him have at it. I must give a bit of background: Two days ago I freaked out a little because Jack got mosquito bites on his face just before "Pictures with Brother" on Monday. I was irritated, but hopeful that they would soon fade. About fifteen minutes into the picnic, he scratched his forehead in the Moon Bounce creating a scab. Great. So, after telling myself that it didn't matter... determined to be more laid back... I let him dig into the cotton candy risking that it would discolor his face but truly wanting him to have fun. About 45 minutes later, Jeff and I discover that his face is totally breaking out. It's red and rashy looking like he's having an allergic reaction. We wiped him with a wipey and went home, realizing there wasn't much we can do. Luckily, when he woke up from his nap, his face is clear.... well, except for the scab.

Here we are defending our title in the Annual Water Balloon Toss. Determined to repeat, there we were, out in the heat on a dirt rodeo track. I had warned Jeff that his accuracy would have to be right on this year; for some reason, I did not find that I was as agile as in previous years. After that last picture was taken, my water broke. That's right, we lost the balloon toss.

It was funny; before we left the house, I kept asking Jeff if the "pregnancy panel" on the front of my shorts was showing too much. I am sure he feels like this is a trick question. I kept showing him different angles and asking if you could see through my shirt. He assured me that you couldn't (partly hoping to get out the door, I'm sure.) Well, here is an oh-so-gorgeous picture of me AFTER totally soaking my shirt in the balloon toss. Gross. So much for not seeing the maternity shorts. I can't believe I am posting this embarrassing pic, but hey, it's a memory. Needless to say, we left pretty much immediately after that.
OK, no more excuses. Back to baby preparations. This totally reminds me of myself throughout college, the night before a big test. The good thing is, everything usually turned out just fine.


Melissa's mom said...

Melissa, This was a fun read. You look beautiful! Can you remind me what Jack was asking you in the ladies restroom about your maternity pants?

ren said...

Looks like you had a good last outing for a while. Praying for you today! Can't wait to hear how it goes.