Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Jeff accidentally drove away this morning with Davis' rear-facing carseat in his car. So, I am stuck at home today. Yes, Davis is on the border of being old enough/heavy enough to use the forward-facing one in the garage, but I know how I would feel if something happened to him. And I have seen my driving record.

So, we are "stuck" at home.

Apparently being stuck at home was just what I needed to become un-stuck on my To-Do-Before-School-Starts List. I have gotten so much accomplished already. Aside from making my bed (which is quickly becoming a habit!) - I am on my third load of laundry, Jack's room is spotless, Davis' new motherload of diapers he just got from PawPaw are all put away, and my kitchen table is cleared. The neighbor boy is on his way over to play with Jack and I just put Davis down for his big long nap.

I still need to write the rest of the birthday Thank You notes. Heck, even the treadmill is calling my name. That's okay, I am sure if I turn it up, the volume of HGTV coupled with the sound of crunching on my Baked Lays will drown it out.

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