Friday, August 7, 2009

The Entertainer - 12 mos, 2 wks

Just before bed Davis becomes quite the little ham. It's probably because when he's exhausted, it's the ONLY time we can get him to sit still long enough to teach him anything. My favorite is when he thinks he is hiding his face for "Wheeeere's Daaaavis??"

Here we are trying to cram as many of his "tricks" into one short video as we can:

You can see that he is drooling like crazy and with that comes a new slew of slobber skills. In certain shots you can see his first top tooth coming in. He has been a late teether like Jack was. Sure doesn't keep him from eating!

Oh, and yes, his hair is ALWAYS this crazy. The jury is still out, but one of his parents is ready to cut it. For now, I will wait until the other parent is on board. It is pretty darn cute.

In the last video, taken after lunch today (but before nap) he shows off his growl/Transformer voice.

I'll give you one guess who taught him this. You can tell by the way it totally cracked him up.

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Kristin said...

He is so stinking cute! And I must say, he is totally rocking the mullet.

Julie said...

I'm actually very impressed with the spit bubble trick. I can't believe he figured that out this early. That takes quite a bit of coordination! So funny!