Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Calling all Members of the Peanut Gallery...

The school nurse called me this morning to let me know she'd be speaking with Jack's classmates today about his food allergies. She mentioned that she would start off with an ARTHUR video, then talk about ways they can help Jack (tell a teacher if he says he's not feeling well, not share food, choose non-peanut lunch items when possible, etc.)

I asked that she not bring too much attention to him as he embarrasses easily and just met these kiddos yesterday. As soon as I hung up with her, I googled the video she'd be showing.

Here it is, separated into two Youtube clips.

If you have time, I would like to hear your thoughts about the video:

So, what did you think?

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Melissa's mom said...

I thought it was supposed to inform other children about allergies, not depict a child with allergies as a disrespectful, argumentative, disobedient bully who has nightmares about being singled out and being attacked by the evil food villain - but again, I wasn't there.

Jeffry said...


I did not really think the video was that bad. Other than the dreams when they made fun of the kids, it was kinda cute.

SA Photo Girl said...

They were ok. I thought they big words for kinder aged kids, but I'm not sure. I may be understimating kids. It made me feel sorry for Binky rather than just helping me (as if I were a kid) understand him. It seems like it is more for the child who has allergies, rather than other children learning to understand other kids' allergies.

Kristin said...

I agree with SA Photo Girl. I thought they focused a lot on why allergies are so awful. The ending was slightly better. What was your take?