Saturday, August 22, 2009

Meet the Teacher pics

Look out, Scobee, here comes Jack Everett!

"Dear Mrs. Casillas. I am so happy to see you. Love, Jack G." You never know what he will want to write. I just call out the letters as he dictates. It's too funny. He still wants to take it to her on Monday. He said, "She will know it's me in the picture because I am reaching up to hold her hand and I am the short one."

In the hallway beneath the Scobee Challengers wall of honorable traits... or whatever it's called.

"Reach for the Stars" is their little motto. And here he is sitting on the Lone Star State on the library map rug. He wanted to check out some books right then and there. He is going to LOVE library time.

The nurse advised me to put a picture of him on the EpiPen box and return it to school Monday. Poor little guy. The label, "Use as directed for Anaphylaxis then go directly to the ER" makes me a little nervous. The school nurse said there are 14 others in the school who also have EpiPens on file. She's a pro and I feel great about her.

Left: Here is the picture he colored during the Orientation time. He asked if he could take it home to finish coloring the background. God forbid we leave one ounce of white space on a coloring page. I am telling you, we have a little arteest on our hands. Right: Jack wearing his School Spirit shirt ready to sleep with his new Space Shuttle pillow. (Effective PTA fundraising at work.)

Looks like we are officially ready for Monday.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

What a big boy! Keep the updates coming - he is going to school!