Sunday, August 30, 2009


I almost fell asleep in church today. Who am I kidding? What I really mean to say is, I almost stayed awake. It feels like it has been one of the longest weeks of my life.

We are completing a study at church we're calling "Immersion" in which we listen to the entire New Testament on audio (with voices and music and everything) in 40 days... just 23 minutes per day. The free CD's, MP-3's, and Bible sticks were handed out to everyone who walked through the church doors. It was to start Monday - the first day of school.

Last Sunday, as soon as the assignment was given I realize now that I had immediately allowed myself to be exempt. Sure, all the other families were starting school too, but I knew I hadn't room for ONE more thing on my plate and I knew better about how much I could handle. It was better for me accept that I'd skip the first week than feel like a failure when I couldn't manage it all.

Monday morning, the "Immersion" experiment began. As the week dragged on I felt more like I was DROWNING than anything else. As I struggled to stay afloat, I started justifying, "See... there is NO WAY I could have squeezed in another thing. I mean, look at me! I am a total mess! Imagine if I had tried adding the tapes on top of this?!"

As I half-listened to Pastor Jeff today, thoughts of "it all starts again tomorrow..." started to take over my mind. "Tomorrow, it's early bedtime again, backpacks again, we're out of milk again..." I started wondering what doors God was going to open for me as far as work goes. Would the door include full-time? What doors would that extra money open? What door would that huge decrease in medical insurance open? Would a daycare opening come up?

Jeff squeezed my hand at one point, snapping me out of it.

Jesus instantly reminded me that He IS the DOOR! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I started to imagine how different last week would have been if I had made the priority listening to His Word, for just 23 minutes a day. The truth of the matter is, if I am not immersed in God's truth, then I am immersed in something else. This week, it happened to be that I spent the week immersed in pity, selfishness, pride, and busyness of the world.

The texture of each day would have felt so different had it started or ended with an escape... not an escape into housework, phone calls, or blogging... but a meaningful escape into God's Word... our Living Instruction Manual.

The goal this week is to become immersed in the Story, immersed in God's Word, and immersed in TRUTH. God stands at the door and knocks. He is a gentleman and will never force His way into our homes, minds, or our hearts. He has the answers for us because He IS the answer. This week I will let Him back in - back into my home, back into my schedule, and back into the driver seat of my racing mind.

My attempts to be in control last week have left me utterly exhausted. I need rest. Thank goodness His arms are always open so I can find rest in Him.

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Melody said...

You will definitely find the time once you start. It has been good for us as a family to do it sometimes together, sometimes alone. Hope and I enjoyed listening together for a few days and that was special for sure! Let me know how it goes for you. I am actually listening to my last few chapters right now (yes, multi-tasking) before my small group gets here tonight. I know that is not the best way to listen, but right now it is crunch time! :)

cristina said...

praying for your week, sweet friend. :)

as i'm prone to's a quote from CS Lewis:

"You can’t get second things by putting them first; you can get second things only by putting first things first.”

which really is a way of putting matt. 6:33 in a practical way.

SA Photo Girl said...

Well said! You've inspired me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for using sweet Melissa Beth as your vessel. Thank you Melissa for being you a beautiful daughter of our Lord and savior. Through your words and lesson learned you have allowed God to touch me.

Hugs to you~

Julie said...

So now, if you want to get caught up and end in 40 days, you just have to listen to about 26 mins. a day. I can say that, 'cause I have a little catch up to do as well. But, I will have to say that when I did listen, I easily surpassed that 23mins without really noticing. And I know you're right, life will just become easier when you are immersed in the Word. Looking forward to seeing how week 2 goes with one BIG difference. Thank you so much for sharing- it is a great reminder for all of us!

Karissa said...

wow it is funny u say that bc our whole series is about how to find rest in God and how to find TRUE REST.
It seems that the message is spreading down to san antonio. That is awesome. Let me know how this week goes.