On a REGULAR* basis... how often do you:
a) Make your bed?
b) Vaccuum your main living areas?
c) Mop your kitchen floor?
d) Scrub your bathtub/shower?
e) Clean your fan blades/light fixtures?
f) Wipe down baseboards?
* I'm not talking about when you're hosting a party at your house, having your mother-in-law over, or nesting before bringing home a newborn.
Here you go with some hard core honesty:
a) Make my bed? hardly ever! (only for parties)
b) Vaccuum your main living areas? every other week or more often, just depends on what the dog chews up on the floor and how much DEAD grass is tracked in.
c) Mop your kitchen floor? maybe every other month unless I've spilled something sticky and Daisy doesn't lick it up to my liking! LOL
d) Scrub your bathtub/shower? When it gets REALLY nasty, not that often though. It used to go even longer between cleanings before I had Lasik, but now I can SEE it when I am in there. Van usually will do it for me when I ask. :>)
e) Clean your fan blades/light fixtures? once a year- maybe?
f) Wipe down baseboards? once a year if I can make the girls do it! We are doing that these last 3 weeks of summer!
a) Make your bed?
I'd say I average every other day
b) Vacuum your main living areas?
Well... we have now hired someone to do this every other week. If someone is coming over and Cinder has dropped a few of her little fur-ball babies... we'll vacuum up before company.
c) Mop your kitchen floor?
again... we have now hired someone to do this every other week. :-/
d) Scrub your bathtub/shower?
Mercedes does a great job every other week!! heh
e) Clean your fan blades/light fixtures?
uh... I don't even think our hired help does this... so yeah... how about never
f) Wipe down baseboards?
I don't think I have ever done this.
Now, Melissa... you have to answer wtih your honesty.
Oh boy~ Here we go...
a. Make my bed- only if company is coming over, or if I get a new comforter and want to see how it looks, or when I wash the sheets.
b. Vacuum main living areas- probably around every other week. Basically when I can see the dirt!
c. Mop kitchen floor- don't even know, it's not on a regular basis. It gets washed in small spots with a rag when something spills more than anything!
d. Scrub bathtub/shower- once a month or so.
e. fan blades/light fixtures- once a year (when the dust is really thick).
f. wipe down baseboards- ummm...never in this house and we've been here a year and a half. Did do it in the last house a couple of times and we were there four years I think. So, every couple of years!
I feel so dirty now!
You know this already but here you go:
a) Make my bed every day
b) Vacuum every other week
c) Mop every other week
d) Scrub shower/tub every other week
e) clean fan blades about quarterly if I had to guess
f) clean baseboards maybe two or three times a year
Curious as to why you ask??? :)
This post cracks me up. Here goes nothing:
a)Every day, but only use the extra fancy pillows once a month?
b)Sweep the main areas every day. Amazing how much dirt and crumbs hide in carpet but you can see on wood floors! I'd probably let it sit there if Noah wasn't going around trying to eat all the crumbs.
c)Once a week, our tiles are so reflective everything shows! Can't wait to replace them and mop once a month haha.
d)Our shower, once a month? Kids bath twice a week, thanks to bath crayons.
e)twice a year for fan cleaning
f)baseboards - once a week at my old house, but now that we don't have carpet our baseboards are hardly dusty/dirty! I haven't had to touch them in 3 months!
a) daily
b) once a week--maybe
c) i HATE mopping--we have hired help (she also vacuums & does d, e, & f (not sure how often for e & f))--she comes every other week
i WILL clean bathrooms (even toilets) WAY before i'll deal with a mop. but i do tend to focus on the detail work of baseboards & such, so cleaning take me SO long--the perfectionist in me. :(
i do make sure all is up & put away so that when she comes she only has to deal with cleaning--and not with dealing with our clutter/toys/evidence of life.
a) Make my bed every day
b) Vacuum once a month
c) Mop once a month
d) Scrub shower/tub once a month
e) clean fan blades about two weeks after I've notice dust build up
f) clean baseboards NEVER
a) Make your bed? Every Day...I live with a clean freak.
b) Vaccuum your main living areas? Every other day...with two dogs, are you kidding me?
c) Mop your kitchen floor? Once a week or whenever the need arises.
d) Scrub your bathtub/shower? Only when I'm having company.
e) Clean your fan blades/light fixtures? Haha. Only when Joe says, "Baby, the fan blades are really dusty, right?" Blatant hint, don't ya think?
f) Wipe down baseboards? When my kids are bored and whiny. I say,"I have something for you to do!"
I would just like to say that Emily and Ren can be excused from commenting on these little quizzes in the future :-)
My answers pretty much mimic Steph's except I do have to mop avery 2-3 weeks- my kids are messy and the floors get pretty nasty in 2 weeks time.
Sorry about that typo.
a) Make your bed? Once a week when the cleaning lady cleans. Why fix it up? I mean, I'm gone all day and no one will see the bed, and then I'm going to hop back in bed as soon as I can. :)
b) Vaccuum your main living areas? About every other day. I have laminate wood flooring, dogs, and a toddler. That should tell you that every other day is not often enough.
c) Mop your kitchen floor? Once a week the cleaning lady mops it.
d) Scrub your bathtub/shower? Once a week the cleaning lady scrubs them.
e) Clean your fan blades/light fixtures? I always forget about them, so, next to never.
f) Wipe down baseboards? Sam, my husband, is a fanatic about them, so I would say about once a month.
a) I make it partially every day (using the pillow shams probably once a month or more if we have company) and that's only because I tend to hog the sheets from Brian and it gets worse every day if I don't. :)
b) We've hired someone to clean and they do this every 3 weeks.
c) Same as above.
d) Same as above.
e) Hmmm...if the maid doesn't do this probably once or twice a year?
f) I think the maid does this every other time - so every 6 weeks?
I agree with Emily - what prompted this?
a. I do on Saturdays and Mandrae (husband) does every other day.
b. Mandrae does almost every Saturday.
c. Mandrae does when guests are coming over
d. About one time every 3 months
e. Have not done this since we moved in one year and 3 months ago.
f. So far only one time in my life.
1. Make beds every day-without fail.
2. Vacuum once a month, sometimes more often.
3. Kitchen floor once/week or more if Davis if around, since he finds EVERYTHING!
4. Clean Tub/Shower after each bath.
5. Fan blades every 3 months.
6. Baseboards when I can no longer stand them!
Darlene (Nana) Griffin
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