Friday, August 28, 2009

It's a New Day. Again.

I dropped Jack Everett off at the curb this morning and he confidently marched off to class wearing his Scobee tee. He called out, "LAST day of SCHOOL!!!" I drove off wondering if he understands that he will be coming back Monday. (This ain't Vacation Bible School, buddy...)

After Davis spent some time "feeding the puppy" and "hitting Mommy's camera with the plastic food" this morning, I decided I am going to take him to Open Gym at Sunburst Gymnastics at 11:00am.

We'll see how it goes.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do know that's the gym at which I used to coach! I am jealous that you get to go there. That is still my favorite job of all time. If Betty is behind the counter with her curly blonde hair, please tell her hello for me. Ask her how her son, Brian is doing. Of course, that was about 12 years ago... what are the odds. Take pictures so I can see how they have changed the gyms.
