Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More silly one-liners...

[Leaving Grant's awesome birthday party, sulking...]

Jack Everett (in whiny voice): "I don't WANT to go home. I want to stay at the party."
Mommy: "I know. Birthday parties are so much fun. What is your FAVORITE thing about birthday parties?"
J: "Staying there."
[Really hard animal guessing game, Round #427... Jack's turn...]
Jack: "I have FIVE feet. I crawl in the mud and I have sharp teeth."
Mommy, after several guesses: "I give up."
J: "I am a crocodile!"
M: "But Jack, crocodiles only have FOUR feet!"
J: "I know. That other foot was just pretend."
Jack: "Daddy, do you know what's Spanish for marshmallow?"
Daddy: "No, do you?"
J: "It's Charm. Charm is the Spanish word for marshmallow. That's why it's called Lucky CHARMS."

[In the parking lot after a trip to Target...]
Jack: "Momma, I love my new Batman pajamas."
Mommy: "You know we bought you those because you made such good choices while we were out shopping, right?"
J: "I know. I was being such a Happy Hamper."


cristina said...

he's such a hoot! i love that you record all this for him, and we get to peek too!

and FYI: marshmallow in spanish: bon bon (at least it was at my house). :)

ren said...

I love his frankness. And being a happy hamper, ha! Oh I can't wait until Sam can talk and tell me funny things like that!