Thursday, January 22, 2009

CHOICE of words

I was watching a one-hour Elton John special while cleaning the house today. The music was awesome and Elton was narrating between songs, talking about his life and career. Jack was playing on the carpet singing along to all the "Lion King" songs.

At one point, Elton says, "I could tell with each interview that the writer or reporter was dying to ask me something but could not work up the nerve. I finally told the Rolling Stones writer, "I have been dancing around in purple glasses and a feather boa for years now, so ask me the stupid question already! That's when I told the world I was gay."

Jack pipes up and says, "Mommy, that man made a bad choice..."

(I cringed as I was really hoping he had not been listening and could not believe we were about to have this conversation.)

He continues, "...He should NOT say the word STUPID."

1 comment:

Julie said...

Glad to see Jack has joined Alli on the "stupid" police force. She's very harsh on us and anyone else she hears utter the forbidden word (even Tink).
Apparently some of our lessons ARE actually sinking in!