Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jack hit a milestone too! (wink, wink)

After the attention Davis received for his first smile... Jack Everett (quite coincidentally) learned to wink for the first time that same day. Here are some pics he requested that I take of his new skill. Just to help you out, the eye that is "open" is his right eye.

At the house during the day, if Jack gets excited about something, he begs me to "take a picture and put it on the computer so Daddy can see it!" Winking was certainly no exception.

(Being an HR Mom, I finally had to explain to Jack that we cannot send e-mails to Nana and Daddy all day because it's a misuse of their company resources. Those of you who know me know that I am not kidding.)

Anyway, feel free to ask Jack Everett to wink for you next time you see him. HE really likes to show off HIS new tricks. Davis, on the other hand, hasn't smiled again since Wednesday.

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