Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Davis is 3 weeks old!

As you can imagine, there is no time for writing. Pictures and captions are about all I can manage these days. Hard to believe we have had this sweet baby home for two full weeks!

Jack putting rabbit ears on Davis' head. I have no idea where he learned this, but I imagine it will not be the last picture we see of him doing this to his brother...

Me and my boys, just before bed last night.

Right after they went to bed, Davis slept from 12:30 am to 6:00 am! I couldn't believe it. What a gift to Mommy!


Julie said...

OMG!! That second picture is priceless. That is too perfect.
And please- no more mention of your newborn practically sleeping through the night at 3 weeks of age. That is sooooooo not fair :-)
No really- I'm a little jealous- but that's awesome!
Can't wait to see him again- yay!

Steph said...

Those are some of the most precious pictures!
Wow to sleeping so long already! Even if it was only for one night I'm sure it was quite a rejuvenator to get a few hours of sleep at once! Shelby finally did that a few months ago- lol, no not really but it took a long time.
Hope he keeps it up for you!