Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Hips Hips Hooray!"

As expected, Davis' hip ultrasound went really well today. Aside from pee-peeing on the exam table, Davis was a little champ, only fussing when they maneuvered his hips into uncharted angles.

The Pediatric Radiologist said the hip bones, joints, and sockets are "perfect!" The range of motion/stiffness problem is with muscles, ligaments, etc. which is very reassuring.

He will submit the results to my pediatrician with whom I will further discuss the next steps regarding exercise and massage therapy, and he will determine whether Davis would benefit from bracing his legs for a short time. We are optimistic that this won't be necessary.

The scan was performed at the same Radiology Center as Jack Everett's initial GI Scan at 10 months old. The toys, wallpaper... it was all exactly the same... (Didn't look like the toys had been cleaned since, but that's not important.) It brought back memories to those uncertain times when we were truly at square one with Jack, checking for the cause of his apparent "severe reflux."

It's amazing to reflect on how far we've come since that day we took our first-born little baby in for testing. We had no idea that day how much our lives were about to change. We have come so far - three years and dozens of appointments later - rejoicing as Jack is slowly outgrowing some of his most severe food allergies.

God has been so good to our boys!


ren said...

Noah will be getting infant massage for his muscles too! What I wanna know is how I can get them to massage me, too, haha!

Steph said...

That's great that there's not a problem with his hips. I had forgotten until reading your post but Autumn had an u/s for the same thing as an infant and it came back normal, too. I had no clue there might even be any kind of problem at the time and luckily there wasn't.
Who ever thought there could be so many things to worry about before having kids?!