Monday, August 25, 2008

Davis is 6 weeks old today!

This is one baby who sure likes to be held.

I know this chick sure does.

Jack is "the Daddy of Baby Joey." Baby Joey was my beloved Cabbage Patch doll from childhood. Yes, I was a tomboy even then with my BOY doll. Anyway, Jeff and I have to make Jack take HIS baby out of the dark blue bouncie seat to let OUR baby lay in it. The light blue one is a little big for Davis. Jack gets frustrated and ensures that Davis and Joey take turns.

Just chillin'... you can't tell from the pic that his feet are always slightly suspended in air over the bouncie.

In a cute elephant outfit from Evan. (Emily, can you believe your little man was ever that little?)

My pride and my joy.

His sleep pattern has straightened out quite well. He eats every four hours through the night, and every three hours during the day. However, Saturday night while Jeff and I snuck away to Travis' birthday barbecue, I had Mom feed him his 5 oz bottle of breast milk and top him off with 2 oz of formula.... It was the first formula he has had since he was in the NICU at three days old. Lemme tell ya, that boy slept from 9:30pm to 4:00am! I couldn't believe it! 6 and a half hours!! Talk about temptation. Well, we went straight back to nursing the next night, and he very quickly adjusted back to the 4-hr routine. *sigh

We take it week by week, and are pressing on with the nursing, incredibly encouraged that it is going so well, and especially pleased that he is showing no signs of allergic reaction to date.

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