Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shoo fly, don't bother me...

Seems like we have a million flies in our house right now. Luckily it's not just me - Kim and Julie confirmed that their houses are swarming too... apparently it's that time of year. Well, I swatted at one yesterday and it caused this reaction. So, I grabbed the ever-handy camera. This kiddo is so much fun to have around. I never tire of his little giggle.

He is in his racecar jammies. Yes, you are seeing one foot out and one foot in. It never fails that one of his little hamhocks finds its way out of the snaps in the middle of the night.

Here he is in the morning, all happy, with five warm toes and five cold ones. His three-legged look doesn't seem to bother him, but it sure cracks up his Mommy and big brother - every time.

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1 comment:

Emily said...

It took me a second to realize what was going on...I was looking for Jack lying on the floor with one of his feet between Davis' legs...I'm a bit slow, I guess. Have a great trip!