Saturday, May 16, 2009

Davis is TEN months old!

Wow, 8 weeks until his birthday. 5 weeks until his party invites have to go out. 7 weeks until Jack's invites have to go out. 10 weeks until Jack turns five. 9 weeks until our 10th wedding anniversary. Uh, July is going to be a little crazy. Anyway, here is the 10-month update. Man, I wish I had written montly updates on Jack Everett... Oh well, we'll know for the next one. (That line was a just a teaser for the grandparents.)

Here is Davis in his tunnel, pictured beside big brother Jack at this same age. Davis is much more fearless than Jack was and enjoys being steamrolled, knocked over, tickled, lifted, and jostled. Jack is more than happy to provide these services.

Speed demon is so fast and it's hard to keep him out of the dog water. You can't tell in the pic, but he is soaked. On the right, his first shiner... another of his many self-inflicted injuries. It doesn't slow him down.

We are starting to introduce solids, slowly but surely. This is new territory for us as Jack was very sick at this age and wasn't keeping anything down. We are so inexperienced and gun-shy when trying new foods. The doctor says he can have pretty much anything at this point, but it's still mostly baby food until we get braver. After Memorial Day, it's officially bye-bye time for the infant carrier. I have drawn it out as long as possible, but, as you can see from the picture, it's time.

Noone entertains him or makes him laugh more than his big brother. He is always willing to destroy anything Jack has spent time building or creating, and a plastic hanger is his weapon of choice most of the time.

Something happened the very day he turned 10 months (Thursday)... his two bottom teeth finally peeked through his gums! Big BOY! All that drool finally produced two little white slits that are slightly crooked... oh dear. It makes me nervous that he will soon have two full-sized teeth and I keep saying I am going to MAKE him take his cup, but my level of commitment to the process is really low. I know that I will miss the closeness of nursing, but it's time to truly start weaning. Um, we'll start on Monday.

Bear Picture, Take 1... Take 2... 3... 4...

HAPPY 10-months, Baby Davis! Thank you for making our family complete!

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Melody said...

He looks so mischievous in that final pic! And of course, HE IS! Which makes me love him all that much more!

Anonymous said...

Those dimples, the smile, the gorgeous eyes, the heart of happiness he exudes --- make all of us love him even more! He is such a JOY! We love you, Baby Boy!