Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick update:

More later on the following subjects:

1) Just finished a huge battle with Jack about why you can't nap in your Halloween costume. Also battled myself for a second, "What IS the big deal, really?" Then quickly remembered: kids in superhero costumes don't fall asleep as quickly as kids in pajamas. Right. Went with my instinct.

2) The boys and I got back from our road trip last night. Twenty-something hours in the car in three days. Torn contact. No changing tables. No CD player. No movies. Huge detour thanks to Mapquest. Three diaper blow-outs. All of this... and breastfeeding. Believe it or not, we still had a really great time!

3) Just dyed my fingernails to match the scum in my sink. Yes, I was dying Davis' Halloween costume in my sink and while it did not discolor the sink itself, it dyed all the spots of dirt build-up green. It's kinda like that mouthwash for kids that dyes the plaque on their teeth blue so you can see where they missed. Only grosser. Just put the costume in the washer for a final step. Right now it looks black. I am hoping it will magically look green when it dries.

4) We have uninvited guests in the kitchen. Termites. Exterminator comes Monday. Baby Shower at my house six days later. Stress.

5) Just checked on Jack and he is currently asleep in nothing but undies. Must have taken his pajamas off after I left the room. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

It's camp-out night at Kid's Quest at church at 6:30 pm.

Flashlight: check.
Jacket: check.
Verse memorized: check.
Bible in bag: check.
Alternative to S'mores packed: check.
Mom showered: Oh, better log off now.

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