Monday, October 6, 2008

Has it been 12 weeks already?

Here are a ton of pics of my 12-week-old joy of a boy. I stare at him all the time, marvelling at how much he looks like his Daddy. So handsome.

The probiotic drops appear to be helping. His tummy seems to feel better and he eats less often nowadays. He is a lot less cranky and no longer demands to be held all day.

It is official! Davis has slept through the night for 10 nights. He sleeps from 10 pm to about 7:30 am. No more middle of the night feedings! I have always said, God truly knows what I can handle... He knows that THIS Momma needs her sleep! We are on a bit of a routine, eating at 7:30 am, eleven, two, six, and 10 pm. He naps between each feeding, but his longest is from about 8:30 - 11 am and again from about 2 - 5 pm. Thank you again, Lord, for my two good sleepers!

The nursing is still going amazingly well, which is a major blessing. However, little man does NOT take a bottle very well at all. He hates it. He spits it out, gags, cries, and basically gets MAD. He definitely won't take one from me because he knows I have the real thing. This has caused me much stress this past week as I have attempted to leave the house sans baby and it has been disastrous.

So, I went on a shopping spree and bought all kinds of different bottles and nipples, searching for one that will at least sorta work if I have to leave him. After trying the Avent, Evenflo, Gerber, Playtex, and Soothie... I finally found the 99-cent generic Walmart bottle to be the only one that he will latch onto. No kidding. It's tacky-looking with frogs on it and is loaded with BPA or whatever, but it works! Aunt Mel came over today to help me try (Thanks, Mel!) and Davis took four ounces by bottle and kept it down! Success! I am proud of him.

It's finally cool enough (barely) to wear his footed PJs. So warm and soft!

My new favorite advice to Moms: paint a red stripe on the wall over your changing table. Just like his big brother did, Davis absolutely LOVES his red stripe. He just stares at it and smiles, staying perfectly still through every diaper change. I mean, he actually laughs at it sometimes. So, whether it matches your decor or not... who cares? Red stripe on the wall... that's my advice.

Although his eyes don't always agree on where to focus, his smile always melts Mommy's heart.

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