Saturday, July 7, 2007

Rewind: A child's first movie

Every Tuesday and Wednesday mornings this summer, our local cineplex has Free Family Film Festival... or rated G and PG movies free at 10:00 am. These showings are the perfect way to take kiddos like Jack Everett to experience the movies for the first time. We can go without fear of other moviegoers glaring or telling him "Shhh..." I knew there would be tons of other Moms in the same boat as me: unsure about how he would behave, whether we would sit there the entire time, and quite frankly, how dry the seat would be when we left. *sigh

Kim, mother of four, and my amazing "mentor mom," recommended that I bring a lollipop to introduce if... well, when he started getting restless. A lollipop would also keep his mouth occupied, keeping him quiet. About an hour into the movie, Jack was thrilled to see this (at the time) ultra-rare treat.

I was pleased to see that "Charlotte's Web" was showing... (the new live-action version with Julia Roberts as the voice of Charlotte.) It was one of my favorite children's book, and we had not yet seen the movie. I was so excited as we got his big booster seat to raise him up. (and covered it with the waterproof pad...)

He gasped with a smile when the lights first went dark. As the movie started, I instantly teared up. It was clear that I would spend most of the 1 1/2 hours that followed watching my boy, not the movie. The way the screen lit up his sweet face was almost enough to convince me to bust out my digital camera right then and there. (Although the theater was jam-packed with other Moms who probably would have understood, even I figured that would be a little much.) I instantly felt this pang of regret that Jeff was not there with us. I knew there would never be another first time Jack Everett saw the huge bright movie screen and felt the music. If God blesses us with another child, this is an experience that I hope to make solely his.

Jack never took his big almost-black eyes off the huge screen. He laughed out loud a few times, furled his brow when he was a bit scared, and whispered to me every now and then... "Momma, that's Whilbuh." or "Momma, why is her crying?" I knew I would enjoy this experience, but never expected to be moved like I was.

I know he probably will not remember the day his Mother took him to the movies for the first time. (If he does, I am sure he'll just remember the cow passing gas.) All I know, is that I hope I do not forget it. It already feels like it is happening. We have since been to three more, and "going to the movies" has already lost some of its luster - for us both. I have to remind myself that there are many many more "firsts" in store for us as his parents. I can't let it make me sad. I just hope I recognize them, take them all in, and treasure them, as I can already see that this adventure is going to pass by entirely too quickly.

I am just incredibly thankful that I am a part of it at all.

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