Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lights... Camera... "I need to go potty!"

After our 4th of July Barbecue was cancelled due to more rain, we decided to take Jack Everett to see the movie "Surf's Up."

A little background:

First of all, I finally succumbed to social pressures (okay, maybe self-imposed pressure) and allowed Jack to get his first Happy Meal toy. Until a couple of weeks ago, Jack thought that place with the Big M on top was just an indoor playground that serves Sweet Tea for Moms. We would meet fellow stay-at-home Moms there at about 10:00 am every-so-often when the park was too wet. (Now that school is out, we avoid it like the plague.) We would play, but never eat. And we NEVER called it McDonald's... just the "payground" as Jack pronounces it. Nonetheless, on this particular day, we decided to eat there, and I felt bad that the other children at the table would be getting toys and fun meal boxes, so I asked if I could just buy the box and the toy. They were glad to oblige for a cool $1.07.

My thought was that Jack could partake of his veggie chips, turkey and carrots, but still have the "McDonald's experience." So, with that one single decision, a needless and costly tradition was born. Short story long, this is where Jack was first introduced to Cody Maverick, the main surfing penguin character in the new movie "Surf's Up." Now, Jeff and I have about four plastic Codys ($4.28) somewhere in the house, whose awesome decorate-it-yourself detachable surfboards are nowhere to be found.

This gets us to today.

Jeff and I called up Jack's buddy James (also 2) and we went to the movies. About 0.1 mile from the house, still on Woller Road, Jack says, "I need to go potty!" After assuring us that he "cannot hold it in his body" Jeff had to turn the car around.

So, movies take two.

James and Jack

We get there, position the boosters, get out the juice, the lollipops, snacks, and blankies, use the amazing "movie potty" before it starts, and we're all set.

Jack (complete with cheesy grin) and Daddy

1 comment:

Melissa's mom said...

Melissa, That boy NEEDS the Happy Meal toy. Fork up the $1.07. It's cheaper than therapy.