Sunday, July 15, 2007

A few new firsts for Jack Everett...

Our pride and joy accomplished a few new firsts over the weekend. Thought I would share.

1) He got dressed all by himself for the first time. I laid out his clothes, including underwear and flip-flops, and he came in completely dressed! He said, "Wook! I got dwessed all by myself and Diego is on my hiny!"... which is how we know his "Go, Diego, Go!" underwear are facing the right way.

2) Jack put his underwear on all his stuffed animals. He then lined them up against the wall (along with some carpet samples) and was so proud of himself.

Jack gets tiny puppy fitted snugly into his Elmo undies.

Caught in the act. This kept him busy for a very very long time.

Underwear on a dolphin is enough to make anyone smile.

After he got them all lined up against the wall, he got up and said, "Momma, they are all in time out because they hit me."

3) Last but not least, he pooped in a public pool.

Yes, pooped. (Judging by the look on his face, I may have taken this picture while he was in the act.) After a wonderful evening of swimming, I decided to change him really quickly out of his 'Little Swimmer' into dry clothes. When I pulled it down, I was embarrassed and disgusted to find more than I bargained for... I just rinsed him in the bathroom sink, and got the heck outta there. I still feel bad about not saying anything to the lifeguards. (This is the same pool he vomited in one holiday and the entire pool had to close down.)

On the bright side: He swam barefoot for the first time too. "Look, Auntie Emily! No swim shoes!"


ren said...

That is one hilarious post! I'll have to remember the character on the bottom trick for when we potty train Samuel this year. I love the dolphin in his undies shot, priceless!

Melissa Beth said...

Ren - As you know, noone can ever prepare you for these crazy things. You can't make them up. Truth with toddlers is far stranger than fiction! (Glad you are enjoying the blog. Send me an e-mail anytime at

Julie said...

"DOOOODY!" Too bad it didnt' end up being a baby ruth like in the movie (sorry-can't remember which one). All I can say is THANK HEAVENS you put a little swimmer on him! Hopefully that kept the pool from being too contaminated and saved you from public embarrasment- not that you aren't already becoming accustomed to that (I know about the McDonalds incident too ya know). I should keep quiet cause I'm sure my time with potty accidents in public is coming- we made it through the grocery trip today in panties- yay!!! Don't think I didn't have that grocery cart lined with a towel though cause I did! I'm terrified!
Give Jack a big high five for dressing himself- that's awesome!