Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday, Baby...

Happy 37th birthday, Jeff!

I do not tell you often enough how much I appreciate all that you do for us. I've recently been reminded of how vital you are to this household by having to "cover for you" during the few late nights you have been working.

I admire how you keep your nose to the grindstone in a tough industry during a tough economy. Your confidence that "everything is going to be okay" helps keep me calm(ish.)

Thanks for being the driving force behind getting us to church on Sunday, for making sure the car seats are tight and heavy groceries are unloaded, and for changing the baby's dirty diaper before you even have a chance to change out of your work clothes. Thanks for putting up with two dozen charges on the debit card for $1.08 sodas.

Thanks for putting all my flip flops away. I don't always thank you when I see you walking to the closet with six pair at a time because I am sort of embarrassed.

Thank you for NEVER leaving the toilet seat up, NEVER failing to call on your way home, and NEVER fussing when I tell you the baby's shoes don't match his outfit. Thank you for putting the phones back on the chargers for me. Thank you for taking video of the boys when I am not home because you know I don't want to miss anything. Thank you for letting me experiment with hair styles.

Thank you for meeting me at the door whenever you hear me drive up. Thank you for putting up with late-night typing even after the third time I've said, "It's my LAST paragraph." Thank you for watching "The Biggest Loser" with me even though you hate it.

Thank you for checking in Jack and the Epipen into Sunday School each week, for bringing in empty cans and stinky sippie cups from my car, for filling my gas tank, and for stopping at SONIC for me even though we're running late. Thanks for putting my keys on the key hook and the fitted sheets on the boys' beds.

Thanks for coming home after a long day and being willing to grill dinner. Thanks for eating corn and macaroni as your two "vegetables" several times a week. Thanks for taking your lunch to work, splitting meals with me at restaurants, and driving a cash car without a grill in order to allow me to stay home with the boys.

You hate to make a big deal about your birthday, but you ARE a big deal. We've been through some tough times, but you have always believed in us. I thank God for that because I can't imagine my life without you.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Husband.

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Anonymous said...

Now, that's a B-Day card. Love to you both. Happy B-Day, little brother...from your very proud big brother.

Jeffry said...

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Melissa's mom said...

We love you, too. Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Rhonda said...


Happy birthday, Jeff.

Oh, and has anyone told you that Davis looks EXACTLY like you at that age??

Tom H said...

Well I'm not crying but that IS a great birthday message to someone who probably really deserves it.

Happy Birthday!!

Leeanne B said...

Beautiful! Happy Birthday to Jeff!

Melody said...

Have a great year little bro! Love ya, Sissy (now that's a blast from the past)

ren said...

Happy Birthday Jeff! I always knew Davis looked like you, but wow! The pic is amazing.