Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Mr. Mischief" lives up to his name.

Davis continues to be the happiest kiddo I know. He's happy to explore, climb, throw, push, pull, chew, bang, kick... whatever he can find. He's so curious and spends his day toddling around jibber jabbering to himself with a big toothy smile on his face and drool on his shirt. I can hardly find time to sit down nowadays, let alone update the blog.

Here is a slew of pictures from this week to give a glimpse into life with my busy little buddy.

Here he is pulling on the floor lamp for the eleventy-hundredth time. It's such a wrestling match to change him from jammies to clothes, so he spends more time in a diaper than Jack EVER did. I know, it's classy... but I keep telling myself, at least it's not in public...

Jack cracked us up the other day when he turned to me and Jeff and said, "Look what YOUR SON is doing!!" We can hardly keep Davis from climbing under or onto the kitchen chairs. It won't be long before we have to gate off the entire kitchen.

The only time he lays still is when he's all wrapped in a blankie with big brother, holding his woobie, drinking his milk. Precious boys.

One of my favorite new places to take him is an indoor playground called "Just Add Children." It's a play gym designed for smaller kids and babies, and I just love it. He can run around to his heart's content without being told "NO." He is so friendly and has never met a stranger. He just walks up to random parents and starts handing them toys one at a time. He will just keep bringing them things until I finally re-direct him.

The play kitchen is by far his favorite, but I have been told not to put the apron on him ever again. It's just that several kids had them on and I couldn't resist. Plus, I want my boys to know their way around the kitchen and the training starts early.

The slide there is super steep and super fast. When I put him up at the top he immediately gets a huge grin on his face knowing he's about the fly down onto the bean bag waiting at the bottom. He is not a bit scared, but the other parents there sure seem to be.

Another favorite past time is Open Gym on Fridays at Sunburst Gymnastics. He can just run around, throw things, yell, pick things up, carry them around, and drop them wherever he pleases. He smiles the whole hour he's there.

"Weeeee!" Here he is sorting and collecting balls - another favorite activity.

I decided to let him ride the little see-saw with Alli Jean.

As usual, it was all fun and games until...

Yeah, he pretty much flew off. Crazy that I caught this picture right before it happened. But, he was up and at 'em in two seconds flat.

So, there is only one thing the kids are not supposed to touch in the entire gym... the speaker. Imagine that. I had to redirect the budding audiophile about a dozen times and no matter how far we went from it, we seemed to find our way back within a few minutes. Oh well, he comes by it honestly. Here is some video of him climbing some padded stairs. You'll see what I mean.

So, my days look very different with Davis than they did with little Jack. Poor Jack Everett was so sick at this age, not yet able to eat solid food without gagging, not drinking from a straw, and unable to swing, slide, jump, or run without coughing and gagging from losing his breath. We pretty much stayed inside away from germs, and stayed calm. Not to mention, he slept for hours and hours each day.

Davis wants to be on the move, so we try not to stay cooped up too much and I am always on the lookout for cheap outings to focus his excess energy... and by that I mean WEAR HIM OUT.

Mission Accomplished!

Davis, we love your BIG personality and wouldn't trade it for anything. You light up faces and draw tons of attention wherever we go. You are wonderfully made and your Dad and I want to foster your zest for life and go-get-'em attitude. We know God has big plans for you and that you will change the world.

You've certainly changed ours.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I know the last few weeks have been difficult for you but it looks like you've really embraced the change. Davis (and Jack of course) are so lucky to have you as a mom!