Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of our second week... SO happy for a long weekend.

Jack loves his new teacher, Mrs. Brockman. Here is her adorable door all decorated. I am amazed at how quickly she got this classroom together. The inside is awesome.

Eager Kindergartners all lined up outside their new classroom waiting for an exciting week.

Does every single Mom in this world look at a classroom full of kiddos and feel like hers is the sweetest, cutest, and most gifted of them all?

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Jeffry said...

"Does every single Mom in this world look at a classroom full of kiddos and feel like hers is the sweetest, cutest, and most gifted of them all?"

I am sure that my Mom did...

Melissa Beth said...

Jeffry - you're too funny. Hey, you are supposed to be on vacation, not on the computer reading my blog! LOG OFF!
