Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's the little things...

It was the tenth day of Kindergarten and I had already joined the chorus of Moms across the country complaining about backpacks and shoes piling up in the entry way of the house.

Sarah and Kim had both warned me, "Make him put his lunch box and backpack in a designated place the SECOND he gets home! If not, it'll get totally out of control!"

Well, in my house, that designated place was hanging over a chair at the kitchen table. Along with my purse. Along with the diaper bag. Along with the digital camera. Along with the jeans I don't dry. "Jaaaaaack, your baaaaack paaaack!," I call across the house every single afternoon as he immediately disappears to find a snack, leaving a trail of shoes, thermos, and lunch box behind him.

Well, that all changed tonight when Mom and Jeffry stopped by! I wanted him to "take a look" at the new storage solution I picked up on sale at Hobby Lobby this morning. I secretly hoped he'd hang it all for me to surprise Jeff, but realized they were just getting back from an anniversary road trip and would be anxious to get home. Well, I sweetened the deal with a home-cooked meal and was thrilled when he offered to hang it up right away! Yippee!

Here it is! I am so excited. Jeffry hung it all the RIGHT way, using a level, measuring tape, wall anchors, putty... the whole nine yards. I was so grateful because I was ready to "eyeball it" and slap it up on the wall. Thank you SO SO much!

I initially wanted a shelf/cubby/basket system but am so glad not to have a big piece of furniture (to dust) in that space. Besides, I can already imagine Davis kindly scattering said baskets and shoes all over the house. I got a jacket out of the back of Jack's closet just to hang on the lower hook for this picture. I know... I am a dork.

The best thing about it? Our kitchen table can finally stop being a coat rack and start doing what it was MADE for...

... Glow-in-the-Dark Dinosaur puzzles. It has been a while since I have seen that window seat all clean like that. I figured I had better take a picture while it lasts.

Tin printed "Simplify" sign: $9.99.
Wooden row of silver hooks: $12.49.
Three round silver hooks: $12.97.

A designated place for our son to hang his apron*: PRICELESS.

* Uh, Jeff is going to kill me for this one.

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Jeffry said...

You are very welcome Melissa....

And, you do mean a place for Davis to hang his pop-gun...don't you? Apron....really?

Anonymous said...

yay! love it! tiff