Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Again with the hair...

It is said that women love shoes because they can make you feel good no matter what size you are. Well, I hate shoes with a passion, and haven't found a sexy pair of 13-Wides in like... EVER...

So, I rely on the hair. It doesn't matter what size I am, I can always rely on a good haircut to make me feel good. I have loved my sassy short hair, but I miss being able to pull it back. So, I am officially growing it back out. For now.

Until it gets a bit longer, I need an in-between style. It's that half-way haircut that is always so hard. Here is what I am thinking...

Kristan Cunningham from HGTV's "Design on a Dime."
Since she and I have similar hair, I am hoping it will work. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

love it.

Unknown said...

me, too.

Anonymous said...

looks very cute! look for one for me as well.


cristina said...

oooh, i like it. maybe i'll chop mine off...mike might have a coronary. :(

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! You're giving Trey false hope I'll be growing my hair out soon.