Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big Brother brings so many smiles.

While Daddy is at work, my little man helps unload the groceries.

Until we need it, this bottle drying rack makes a perfect birthday cake. We take turns singing Happy Birthday to each member of the family... over and over...

Jack plays his Diego game with little bro. Davis lets him win... again.


We were trying to keep Davis awake one afternoon, so here he is wearing only his diaper, with all the lights on. Big helper Jack loves to tell Davis stories and sing him songs to keep him awake. Trust me, it works like a charm.

Jack tells Davis the story of David and Goliath. (Turns out David's father did actually send him out with a basket of food to the battlefield... I Samuel 16:20) I love it when he says, "It's a story of the Lord God!" Yes, Jack is in his undies... This video was taken on one of those glorious afternoons when they both took naps at the SAME TIME!

After a few lullabies, I asked Jack to sing Davis a fast song to help me keep him awake. Here is an example of how he talks when his chatterbox is turned on. Davis is totally used to it. Actually, he seems to love it.

I guess everyone was right. Your heart DOES expand and a mother IS able to love both children the same. Hmm... does this mean there might be room for a third?


ren said...

Aw, he is such a sweet big brother! I love how he falls down like Goliath. Isn't it a miracle how you can love your children so much? Let's go for a third :)

Julie said...

You were right! Little Davis is becoming much more interactive. Looks like Jack was doing a good job. Baby brother was wide awake, looking around and those little arms never stopped moving- so cute!

GO FOR 3 !!!!!

Melissa's mom said...

Does Jeff know you posted this?