Thursday, September 18, 2008

Davis is 9 weeks old... time is flying!

Great news - we have our computer back! It's running great, is totally virus-free, and I think it missed me.

So, here we go - a quick picture marathon to catch up. I know I post pictures that are almost identical, but I just can't choose, so I post my two favorites from that little photo session.

Davis is all wrapped up in Big Brother's new Batman Dark Knight blanket. Trust me, I didn't MEAN to purchase this SEVENTEEN dollar blanket, but I accidentally spilled my Diet Dr. Pepper on it today at Target. After a lecture in the car on the way there about how we were NOT there to buy anything for Jack... he ended up leaving with an EXTRA-special treat. Oh well. It made his week. I was very pleased to see him wanting to share it with his brother when we got it home.

Jack got a little carried away while rinsing Davis with the big cup. Oops. We quickly changed to the little pink cup for more of a sprinkling effect.

I have said it before: There's nothing like a clean lotioned baby in footed pajamas. Nothing.

Wow, it seems like I never have clothes on this baby. It's just that when I see his bare little arms and tummy I am compelled to get my camera.

He is looking more like his Daddy every day.

Big Brother holds Davis. What a difference two months makes.

We couldn't be happier with the way the transition has gone with Jack Everett. He was such an only child and received SO much individual attention. I have to admit, I was a bit worried. His instant love and connection to Davis has been an enormous answered prayer and has far exceeded our expectations. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for these boys and am anxious to see their relationship develop as they grow.

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