Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hey, I thought only Early Birds got worms.

My computer has contracted some sort of worm virus rendering it temporarily out of order. All I get when I boot up is a black screen, an error message, and a bad case e-withdrawal. So when does this happen to me? The morning Jeff leaves for a five-day trip to Denver, of course. Yes, I survived five days without husband, without e-mail, and without blog. It was not easy. It was amazing how many times I wanted to Google something. As soon as we picked Jeff up from the airport, Jack was bursting at the seams for Daddy to wrestle with him. I was bursting at the seams for Daddy to troubleshoot my computer.

So, Davis turns two months old tomorrow. I am on Jeff's work laptop and am so inept at the flat square laptop fingertip "mouse" that I haven't the patience to blog. Since I can't post pictures, you will have to take my word for the fact that Davis has gotten bigger and cuter.

Life goes on, but the Momologue will be on hold until the worm is evicted.

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