Saturday, September 29, 2007

Physical Therapy

Many of you have asked about Jeff's ankle and how he is recovering from his injury. While he is no longer wearing the brace or the boot, he is certainly not able to run, stop quickly, or bend it at certain angles. To put it in practical terms - he is back to putting away laundry, but not back to mowing the lawn. He is certainly out for the season for the Bjorn's Softball team. While it is still swollen, he has started physical therapy. His regimen includes a few very expensive visits to an Occupational Therapist, lots of stretching with a red piece of rubber tied in a knot (which probably cost a cool $300 bucks) and the use of some specific multi-stage exercises on a BOSU Balance Trainer. While the BOSU ball typically retails for $89.99 + tax, we were so fortunate that Darin and Marilyn had one at home that we could borrow.

I thought you might be interested in an outline of his BOSU therapy, but I want to make sure not to bore you with technical medical jargon. So, I have included some diagrams to show the different exercises you can do on the BOSU ball to aid in muscle strengthening as well as recovery of full motion.

1) Safely position yourself on top of the BOSU the ball.

2) Assume the ready position.

3) Keep knees slightly bent while counting to three.

4) Yell, "Wwhhhhheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!"

5) Use your arms to achieve maximum height in your jump.

6) If fatigue sets in, take breaks to watch TV between sets.

7) Repeat exercises, careful to avoid canine onlookers.

Another satisfied customer... Check out that physique!


Julie said...

You forgot to mention this bit of instruction- wear nothing other than your underoos while performing therapy exercises!

Melissa Beth said...

Yes, that's how Jeff does them too! haha!