Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Welcome, Little One...

Baby Evan Scott Robin was born today. Emily delivered her 7 pound little guy this afternoon and is doing really well. I can't wait to see pictures, but had to blog on his actual birthday! I'll never forget Emily visiting me in the hospital when Jack Everett was born. I wish I could be there to see her son today, but that's okay.

God crafted this little boy, held him in His hands for nine months, and calmly guided him into the world today. It was so touching to hear her describe the delivery (In Emily's exact words, it was "easy peezy!") and reminded me of how amazing a woman's body really is.
Scott and Emily will be amazing parents to Baby Evan. They already are. From the time she found out she was pregnant, she and Scott have been so thankful for the little life who would soon turn them into a family.

About 5 months along, when I asked how she was feeling, I'll never forget when Emily said, "You know, it's hard to complain about the discomforts of pregnancy. It's like winning the lottery, and then complaining about the burden of having all that money."

Congratulations, Em' and Scott... and Happy Birthday, Evan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heather had her perfect baby aiden on tues, 9-11. i'll have to show you pics.