Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jack Everett visits Harcourt

I took the little guy to the office to meet the HR team. It was an eventful hour-and-a-half. Then again, everything is eventful for the two of us.... We see to it!

I needed to conduct a phone interview and schedule a candidate visit, so I decided to go by the office on my day off, toddler in tow. It would only take an hour, so Jack had lunch with his Nana in her work area during her lunch hour. It worked out perfectly. He enjoyed a tour and everyone there has really watched him grow up through his visits to see Nana over the past three years. He especially enjoys seeing "Miss Gwacie."

Last year, on his annual Halloween visit, an employee was dressed as a witch and really scared him. To this day, when we drive up to the building he asks, "Is that witch gonna be here?"

Jack in front of Harcourt. This is the look that "Say cheese!" gets me...

Jack loves these automatic doors at the end of the pedway. This time, Darlene and I let him stand in the doorway and I snapped this picture just before the door closed on him, grabbing his little left ankle! He cried because it scared him, but did not hurt him. We couldn't believe it. Darlene and I looked at each other because we just stood there and watched it happen. I guess he's not heavy enough for the sensors to recognize he's standing there. Oh well. Lesson learned - the hard way.

Nothing that a toy from Nana's desk won't heal.

Jack sits in Mommy's chair - the same chair the lizard ran under (see previous blog.)

He enjoys Mommy's little shrine to Jack Everett on the wall.

After my first hire, I came back to the office and there was this "HR Action Figure" hanging outside my cubicle. My boss Robbi put this "Super Recruiter" there to be silly, but it made me feel welcome and I appreciated it more than she knew. It's pretty funny - "Big Hiring Budget Not Included." Isn't that the truth. :)

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