Thursday, September 6, 2007

San Antonio Children's Museum

Jack and some of his little friends went to the San Antonio Children's Museum last Tuesday, where they got to explore two entire floors of fun and learning. They explored the museum and had fun looking in huge mirrors, milking cows, getting inside a huge bubble, dressing up, finding fossils in the sand, watching fish in the aquarium, working kid-sized bulldozers, and pretend cooking and eating - they had a blast. There was a little dentist office and Brandi's son Carson (2) decided to use the disgusting huge play toothbrush in his own mouth instead of on the oversized mouth model. Yuck! Alli and Jack had a blast together, while TJ and Carson just enjoyed getting to run free and explore.

I had to steal Julie's funny caption to this picture: "Jack and Alli in their cow-milking costumes. The lesson of the day is that dairy farmers actually dress like cows while milking cows - who knew?"

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest of them all? Alli Jean!"

Jack sitting in the coals while Alli operates the bulldozer.

The main lowlight of the day was Jack and his inability to find his way to the potty. When we got there, we raced to the bathroom and he hopped up onto the toilet seat a second too late, peeing all over his shorts and sandals. Poor guy. He assured me, "This was just an ackident." So, I changed him into jean shorts #2. Same shirt. Try to keep up.

Jack peeks out of an old log cabin.

Jack pretending to sleep in the cabin... (Mommy hoping he does not pee in the cabin.)
Then, not an hour later, the kids are gathered around a sandbox using paintbrushes to brush away sand to reveal fossils. Jack is enthralled and all of a sudden I hear splashing. "Momma, I went peepee right here." He is standing in a puddle in the middle of the museum. After calling for museum staff and making him give his now-standard apology, "I sorry I peepee in yo store," we changed into shirt #2, shorts #3.

Jack and Alli keep playing, while the museum worker and I perform "Cleanup in the Fossil exhibit."

Snacks for Carson (2), Alli (2), TJ (1), and Jack (3)

So, we decide to take them to Chili's because we are gluttons for punishment. He falls asleep on the drive from the museum to the restaurant, and is totally cranky when I get him out of the car. However, we Mommies are determined to have an afternoon out. I am sure the hostess was thrilled when I said, "3 adults, 4 high chairs." Just as I say this, I hear that oh-so-familiar-infamous splashing sound. I look down and Jack has created a nice puddle in the waiting area at Chili's.

I could not believe it. After, "I sorry I pee pee in yo store." yadda yadda, I took him outside to the "Emergency Kit" where there is one last extra outfit. In the parking lot (100 degrees), I then change him into shirt #3 and shorts #4, no underwear, and he goes commando back into Chili's for Momma to have some dad gum queso with the girls. He thought it was so funny to be at a "restawont" with no undies on.

When we left, (the kids were actually really well-behaved during the meal, all things considered), Julie dug around in the floorboard of her car and found me a Pullup of Alli's that must have fallen out of her bag - thank goodness!

So, Jack fell asleep in the car on the way home in his pink Dora the Explorer Pullup, and drifted off with thoughts of Teddy Bear clouds and sweet dreams of a fun-filled day at the museum.

1 comment:

ren said...

Oh my goodness, that's too funny... and terrifying! I'll have to start memorizing where all the bathrooms are in the stores we frequent before potty training Samuel. "RUUUUN!" ;)