Tuesday, October 2, 2007


As Christians, we know that as soon as we commit ourselves to something that will make us stronger, bring us closer to God, strengthen our marriages, or build character, Satan is equally committed to making us fail. Jeff and I have witnessed that first-hand this week as I have waged war on food and we started the journey toward becoming a more fit family. I know that getting into better shape will benefit me in many ways, the most important of which is preparing my body for another attempt at healthy pregnancy. We also plan to build stamina and hope to return to playing co-ed sand volleyball, which was how we spent much of our free time while we were dating, and early on in our marriage. Okay, so the bridesmaids dress (see previous blog) plays a teensy weensy part, too.

So, determined to make a change, we joined the gym this week, bought a grill for healthier cooking, and set some goals for working out.

Monday, October 1st - the perfect day to call "Day One." So perfect, in fact, that we skipped the gym September 29th and 30th just so we could start then. Anyway, Sunday, the night before, our air conditioning went out. No kidding. We were roasting the night before and I probably lost a pound just sweating that night. The house registered 92 degrees when I woke up to get ready for work. The A/C guy could not come until Monday night between 4pm and 8pm, right when we had planned to hit the gym. A stumbling block, no doubt, but we were determined. He came out at about 6:30, figured out the problem, reassembled it and we had cool air again.

However, by the time he left, it was already 7:50pm, when most of my fellow Moms are putting their toddlers into bed. Oh no, not the Griffins! We loaded up the Honda and took Jack to the gym! I came out in my biker shorts and tank top and Jack said, "Why are you wearing that? Are we going swimming?" I realized that this kid has never seen his Mama in workout clothes.

Driving over there, I felt so proud of us. We were victorious. We had all worked all day (Preschool is hard work for little ones!), had dinner at home, waited for the A/C guy, and still made it to the gym as a family. I did 40 minutes of cardio and Jeff lifted weights. We finished up with some abs. When we went to pick up Jack and he was the only little kiddo left in there. The Kids' Club closes at 9pm. His friends were all bathed and nestled in their beds at home, but he was pushing a truck, racing around the huge room with ALL THE TOYS to himself, totally sweating, and lovin' every minute of it! We signed him out at 8:59, as they turned the lights out and locked up behind us.

I am so proud of us. The first day is the hardest.
Today, October 2nd, "Day Two" was not as hard. Jack and I went by ourselves tonight. It was funny... all the chubby people on the ellipticals and treadmills were working out watching "The Biggest Loser" and all the skinny people were working out to "Dancing with the Stars." I won't tell you which one I was watching.

It was funny... We were walking in holding hands and Jack looks up at me and says, "Why are we going to the gym?" I said, "Mommy is going to get some exercise." "Is it 'cause you twisted your ankle?" I replied, "No, Daddy exercises because he hurt his ankle, but Mommy just wants to lose some weight." He turns to me, pokes his finger into my stomach, and says, "Right there?" I said, "Well, as a matter of fact, yes." He immediately replies, without expression, "Good."

Thanks a lot, Jack.
If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know that it is as spiritual and emotional as it is physical. So tonight, I leave you with a quote from my new bookstore purchase, "Devotions for Dieters: A 365-day Guide to a Lighter You." No, I am not joking.

"It requires great strength to diet: strength of will, strength of character, and strength of mind. It takes a great deal of wisdom to admit that we don't possess all the strength we need on our own. Somehow we must tap into a greater source of strength; That source is Jesus Christ. His strength never wavers and never fails. The amazing thing about the strength of Christ is that it is freely offered to everyone who asks for it. When we feel the weakest, this is when we are most open to the strength of Christ."

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

cristina said...

so....how are you doing?