Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Don't worry... he has a SWIM diaper on..."

Swim diapers make absolutely no sense to me. They never have.

I mean, if you have ever held a peeing baby wearing a "Little Swimmers" diaper who is NOT in the water, then you know that the pee just streams right through it. I learned this when I decided to put Baby Jack in one ON THE WAY to the pool for his first swim. I never made that mistake again.

Yeah, I know... they don't swell up to the size of a football like a regular diaper in a pool. That's because they are designed NOT to hold liquid. So, it's not like they hold pee! Yet we buy them at almost a dollar a pop... Sea World (and the jury of Mommy Peers) requires them ... we go through the trouble of switching our kids in and out of them... just so we all feel better about sitting in the same water with a baby.

Yet, in reality, every single chunky monkey in a blue diaper you're swimming with is gleefully peeing at will. And I know from personal experience that they don't hold poop.

Am I missing something?

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Steph said...

I absolutely, positively agree with you in that they are worthless! They only hold poo if it's solid, I guess. I did the same with Autumn when she was a baby- putting her in the car thinking the swim diaper would hold it! Shelby wore them for a very, very short time- I know I didn't use them last year with her and she was just turning two. I think I did the summer before until I realized what a waste of money they are!

Julie said...

I third that opinion!!

Melissa's mom said...

I'm so relieved to hear these opinions (pun intended). I had decided I was missing something or the new generation of moms were just deluded.

ren said...

My. thoughts. exactly.
They're rediculous! What in the world?

SA Photo Girl said...

Okay, I thought there was something magical about them. I thought maybe that the thing somehow absorbed pee some special way. They didn't have these when my 17 year-old was little so I thought it was some new fangled technology. Well, now I feel stupid and ripped off! Thank you for helping me see the light.