Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Scripture, Week Six - Kid's Quest

There is no Week Five Kid's Quest scripture to record. We have officially begun our lessons with Jack about taking responsibility for his own work. Last week before Kid's Quest, I suggested that we get our Bibles out to read the story and memorize the assigned verse. Jack Everett said he didn't want to learn it this week. I explained that it's HIS choice and HIS responsibility to keep up with his "homework." So, he chose to go to class without it. As hard as it was, I let him go unprepared, hoping the teachers would make him miss out on the all-important stamp for that week.

When he got in the car after class, he didn't want to tell me how class went. He finally said, "The teacher had to help me rememberize the verse." I asked him how it felt to be unprepared and he told me he looked at the carpet and did not want to say anything. I could tell he HATED that feeling and was embarrassed. This week he INSISTED that we learn the verse and practiced it several times on his own.

I can totally see how parents get too involved in their kids' work. Naturally, I would love for him to be the teacher's favorite, the head of the class, and have the most impressive projects and speeches. However, I cannot do it for him and WILL NOT manage his work load and keep up with his assignments. He is responsible and capable and I want him to know that and take pride it doing it himself. I will have to remind myself of this over and over, I can already tell.

"I have commanded ravens to bring you food there." 1 Kings 17:4 *

*They are reading about Elijah, who obeyed God's commandment to hide out beside a brook and trust Him to provide his food and fresh water during the draught. As promised, ravens delivered food to Elijah for each meal because he obeyed and trusted God.


Rhonda said...

Yea, brother! I love seeing Davis giggle, and I really love that Jack is learning God's Word, on his own!

Now listen, are an amazing mama. hehe

ren said...

Very well done, Mom!

Anonymous said...

I think Davis approves of Jack's Bible verses! Can't wait till Davis is reciting his own verses --- and it will be here before we know it! Good job, Jack and Davis! And thanks, Mommy, for the encouragement!

Love you,