Sunday, November 16, 2008

Davis is 4 months old!

Davis turned 4 months old Friday. I just can't believe how quickly my little guy went from a skinny newborn to a chunky little infant. He has such a sweet little personality and is definitely getting stronger and more flexible. He remains pretty even-tempered most of the day, but definitely prefers to fall asleep while nursing. We are working on getting him to fall asleep on his own, but it is hard to enforce when he is so so sweet. I just know I will surely miss this time with him when it's gone...

He is starting to show signs of wanting to suck on two of his fingers. Mommy is on constant look-out and quickly takes them out if she sees them in there, or hears that tell-tale smacking sound. I have even employed Jack to help GENTLY take Davis' fingers out if he sees them in his mouth. I have made it this far with two kids and no pacifier... As long as it doesn't upset him, I am trying to stand my ground. We'll see.

Things are still going well with Big Brother although I have to remind him over and over not to jump and act crazy around the baby. Other than that, no real issues of jealousy. He is sometimes impatient with Davis' rate of development. "I can't wait until Davis can play steamroller with me. I can't wait until Davis can eat a lollipop..."

We still can't get over how different they look. We also can't believe the red hair on the little guy. He's practically bald on top, but has the soft little band of red hair across the back.

We introduced him to the Jumperoo this weekend. He loves it for about 5 or 6 minutes. He still barely fits in it and requires that we shove blankies all around him. He barely touches the ground, but will soon figure out how to bounce himself in it. For now, Big Bro provides more than enough bouncing action for him.

In a cute summer outfit. He looks even more fair in these colors.

Jack manages to get his head into most pictures I take of Davis. I usually try to take pics with Jack in them first, then ask him to make funny faces behind me to "help me" make Davis smile. He usually steps on my feet, gets in my light, gets his hair in the corner of the picture, etc. That's okay... we just thank him for being so helpful and remind ourselves to take pics while he is napping.

While trying to take Davis' monthly Bear picture, my helper kindly added his stuffed Lambie for me. Looking at Davis' little toes in this pic just reminded me: This boy has some stinky feet. Not like cute baby stink, more like teenage locker room stank. We can take him straight from the bath and cover him in lotion, and not fifteen minutes later, his toes are smelly. Precious and kissable, but smelly.

Left: In a big boy outfit from Kayla. He is quite pear-shaped nowadays as highlighted by the horizontal stripes. Right: With his first little buddy, Wade, who is five weeks younger.

I love this picture of Jeff. He really is an amazing Dad.

It's hard to express the amount of joy this little boy has added to our family in just four short months. We simply cannot imagine our lives without him. He had a precarious little start, but he is growing like crazy.

There are so many exciting firsts coming up... first Thanksgiving... first Christmas... pictures with Santa...

I can hardly wait!


Anonymous said...

The photos are wonderful! Cannot believe how much Davis changes every day, it seems -- and growing by leaps & bounds! The video of Jack with Camptown Races is hilarious! He would be a "hit" on any stage! And Davis's precious smile lights up this Nana every time!


Julie said...

It's too bad Davis doesn't smile more often for the camera 'cause I don't think you had enough cute pics to post ;-)
I know all about those stinky feet-TJ has always been a stinky boy too. And you're right- it's not a cute stink. It's more of a funky stank, but I love it in a weird mom way. I'm sure you know what I mean (I hope cause otherwise I'm just weird).

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Davis in the brown shirt where it looks like he is sitting up all by himself! He looks so mature! Love it!!

Aunt Mel

Steph said...

What a bunch of cute pics! I can really see the personality coming out in Davis.
So boys have stank feet from the beginning, huh? I never knew this!

Melissa's mom said...

Baby girls can have stinky feet too...

ren said...

LOL Jack's lil face on the left side of that one pic reminds me of the Grinch! It's that bottom lip sticking out :) Davis looks more like his daddy all the time!