Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not a fan...

The Baby Bjorn... Davis is not such a big fan.

Facing out was a no-go... look at that face!

Facing in is only slightly better. He just rocks his wobbly head back and forth, slamming it into my chest. I also think it stretches his little hips out too wide for comfort. We'll try it again when he is just a bit bigger.


cristina said...

i saw someone using this with a little one, they had them facing sideways, with both legs coming out of one of the holes and their little bottom from the other. it think that also addressed the wobbly head. one of the shoulder buckles was undone to give the baby breathing room. :)

worth trying?

great to see you blogging again!

ren said...

LOL what a priceless face!

Emily said...

Hey there! We're alive and well in Colorado Springs - heading home today. I just wanted to tell you that the folded over plaid part of the Bjorn actually folds up to support baby's head when they are that small. I gave it to you folded down because that's probably the position I had it in for big boy at 8 months! I'll call u's been a GREAT trip but I miss my little man!