Saturday, May 10, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

... about being a Mom.

- Seeing my newborn kick his feet and catch his little toes on the hem of his pajama gown.

- When Jack comes around the corner after a nap with squinty eyes and messy hair.

- When Davis laughs in his sleep.

- Having one kiddo who looks like me and one who looks like Jeff.

- Seeing smiling happy pictures of them taken when I wasn't there.

- When Jack shows care and concern for others.

- When Jack proudly introduces Davis to strangers in public.

- Hearing my son speak the truth about God.

- Little boy shoes. They are SO cute.

- When Jack uses his manners in public.

- When I try to get Davis to say something and he ACTUALLY performs.

- When Jack pretends to be a Daddy and emulates Jeff's kindness and helpfulness.

- Kissing away salty tears from a little cheek.

- The smell of baby lotion.

- Happiness when my baby first sees me peek over the crib in the morning.

- Rocking a sick baby on my chest.

- A little hand on my chest when I am nursing.

- When the baby stops crying right when someone hands him to me.

- When Jack says, "I'm so glad I have a brother."

- When Davis used his first sign.

- When that tooth finally cuts through.

- Realizing Jack has learned a new thing, like opening his own granola bar.

- When, at a meal, Jack says, "Wait, we have to pray!"

These are a few of my not-so-favorite things about being a Mom...

- Hearing myself lose my patience.

- Conflict between wanting to be here and wanting to get away.

- Not knowing if they really understand why they are being punished.

- When people see me holding Davis and say, "Is he YOURS?" I want to say, "No, I am not his nanny."

- When my baby gets hiccups and they are hurting him.

- When my son corrects an adult.

- When their bangs get cut too short across the front.

- Noticing my newborn's head has been slumped over in the carseat after a long drive.

- When the Huggies don't hold all the poop.

- Teething mixed with breastfeeding.

- When I come pick him up (from a sitter or Sunday School) and he is disappointed to see me.

- Hearing ugly phrases from Jack's mouth that I know he probably learned from me.

- Recognizing that I am bribing.

- When I find myself deep down wishing my toddler wouldn't "mess up" my coloring page.

- Feeling that I am comparing myself to others.

- Throwing out rice milk.

- Hearing the baby crying and suddenly realizing that I have left the monitor off and don't know how long he has been crying.

- Never knowing what that smell is in the car.

- Realizing the baby has a poopy diaper RIGHT when it's time to leave the house.

- Missing the way it used to be between me and Jeff.

- All the extra bags I have to carry all the time.

- When a breast pad shows up through a blouse in the mirror. Or WORSE, in a picture.

- Catching Jack in a lie.

- When I cut their fingernails too short, scratch them with my ring, or step on their toes or fingers.

- Inner guilt over... you-name-it.

- Handing my first-born over to his new teacher knowing SHE will get to experience his next stages of learning... not me.

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