Monday, May 12, 2008

"Horton Hears a Who."

We braved the theater again, after our "Water Horse" fiasco. This time Nana accompanied Jack Everett to see "Horton Hears a Who."

Photo op in the hallway before the movie.

We had the pick of the seats!

My two handsome boys! I just had to post both of these pictures. I often wonder if our new little boy will have Daddy's blue eyes!

About halfway through the movie, Jack turned to me and said, "I don't have to go to pee-pee, Momma, but I just need to TRY!" You know when they say odd things like this that something is up. On our way to the potty and I asked if he was enjoying the movie. He softly confessed, "That mean vulture is a little bit scary."

I went ahead and took him to the potty "just to try," but at $8.50 per ticket, I made him go back in to finish the movie. Luckily, Vlad the scary vulture didn't make many more appearances after we returned.

So, "Horton Hears a Who" scores a mediocre 2 stars for Jack. But, taking Nana to the movies is always 4 stars!

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