Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And so it begins...

We got Jack this bookcase for his room this week from IKEA in Roundrock. Jack was so excited when Daddy and Uncle Van got it all put together.
The next day, I asked him to put all of his toys away on his new shelves and instructed him not to call me in until he was done. I assured him that he could put things wherever he wanted. As planned, this kept him busy for over thirty minutes.

When he called me back in, he was so excited to reveal to me the fruits of his hard work. He had even pulled his stepstool over to help with the process. He had systematically jam-packed every single animal, dinosaur, car, block, and book onto the top two rows. Those top eight boxes were packed and the bottom two rows were completely empty and pristine. Hardly keeping a straight face, I told him how great it looked.

He said, "I put all my toys up high so the baby won't touch them."
And so it begins...

1 comment:

ren said...

He's a wise little fella! Too cute, as usual.