Sunday, February 15, 2009

Seven months! Little bro is not so little any more!

Davis turned 7 months old on "Valentimes" Day. (I hate to correct Jack when he says Valentimes, but I know adults who prounounce it that way who sound downright ridiculous.)

For the monthly report:

Davis is eating most vegetables with no problems, but has developed a skin reaction with every single fruit we have tried: Apples, pears, bananas, mango, peaches, and guava. Yes, Gerber makes guava. It smells like grapefruit.

He has learned to mimic me and smack his lips to make a kissing sound. This is so cute unless you are feeding him bright orange liquid carrots and these darling little smackies fling babyfood on your white shirt.

Our big boy ate in a high chair for the first time on our trip. He looked so cute propped in that chair. Looks like I need to start carrying my highchair cover again. He was pretty off-balance and we had to stuff his blanket and my jacket around him to stabilize him, but he loved it. Jack thought it was pretty funny to see his baby bro sitting up at the table with us.

Davis continues to be "Sleeping Champion, Jr." (Jack being the original Sleeping Champion, of course.) He slept through the night every night of the trip in different rooms, on pallets, and in borrowed pack n' plays... even with tons of commotion in the room. He is unbelievable. He has his little "woobie" as I call it, (thanks, Emily) which signals to him that it's sleep time. He sucks on the tabs to fall asleep. We have two of them. I may soon need more. And, I just had to throw in another picture in the Sleeperoo.

He is still not crawling, but is getting close. Daddy thought he might go for the remote, but not so much. He has the little bulldog stance down, but pushes himself backwards a little or rolls to the right. I am, quite frankly, not that anxious for him to crawl, but I do encourage the practice every day.

BUT, Big D did learn a really cool new trick this week!!

That's right - I sit up like a big boy! I love that grin and those chunky little wrists.

He continues to be an even-tempered, easy-going smiley guy but certain quirks are starting to emerge as his personality develops. He tries hard to flip himself off the changing table during diaper changes. He does not like to be held when he is tired. He wants to be laid down and he lets you know it. You know he is tired when he starts scratching his forehead. Literally, on our trip, his little forehead had seven or eight red scratches on it from his naps being repeatedly interrupted. Jeff and I felt terrible!

Boys in the Hood.

BIG BOY weighed 16.25 pounds on Friday. That bear is getting smaller and smaller.

It's amazing how much I have forgotten and how many things have changed since Jack was this age. I cannot remember anything - how much Tylenol they are allowed to have, how many ounces of milk he is supposed to have, when he "should" be doing certain things. I am just depending on the "fake it 'til you make it" technique, (and dozens of calls to Kim and Julie) and it's working just fine so far. I think I have just enjoyed his last month of immobility. Jack told me Friday on his way to Meemaw's house, "Momma, if he starts crawling, be sure to close my bedroom door!" Yep, life is about to change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those little "boys in the hood" are the cutest little ones I've seen! And the photos of Davis sitting up like a "really big" boy are too precious! Keep those pics coming!
