Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm okay. And it's okay.

So, after what Julie termed "Melissa and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!!," I have received so many nice comments... and phone calls.... and e-mails... and text messages... and extra long hugs... and "you poor things"... and concerned looks of pity...

I'm FINE, people!

I do appreciate the extra lovin', but you can cancel the intervention. It's okay to stop worrying about my impending head-first plunge off the deep end. I am here to tell you... I am so already there!

We Moms sometimes think we are in a pit alone, not making the grade, wondering when we will finally figure this thing out. The truth is... if we could see up out of this pit, to the green grass where all the PERFECT Moms are... we would see that nobody is there. We would also see that we're not in a pit at all.

We are in this together and our Mom-to-Mom honesty is empowering. I figure we are deceiving ourselves and others if we mask the truth about our struggles. I won't beat myself up about how I reacted, but I won't pretend I don't have days like these, either. Like many of you have mentioned, God is good and His grace is abundant.

I smile because each day is new, my spirit is new, and now my dental policy info is also new.

P.S. Emily (a.k.a. Baby Sock Police)... here's one for ya. Check out the heel of Davis' high-quality sock in this video!


Julie said...

Man, this grass sure is lush and green up here. Really wish you would come and join me :-)

Okay, so I know I'm not fooling you- you know me (and all my faults) too well.

On another note- so cute to see that Jack's tickle monster is just as effective as yours. LOVE it!!

Really had a great time with that little guy today. Maybe we'll have to do that more often. I'm sure you won't object to that.

And Alli loved getting to spend so much time with Jack too. As soon as you guys left she said "Well, that was fun!" They really are good kids.

Emily said...

I like to think that the perfect moms are looking down at all of us screw-ups in the pit wishing THEY could be more like US; you know, the ones who could care less that their infant wears socks with holes in the heel!

ren said...

LOOOOOVE that giggly guy, I can't wait to show Sammy that video in the morning! And btw, if you need socks that actually stay on, the "My Best Ever First Socks" at are THE BEST. Worth every penny. :)

Anonymous said...

At least you can FIND the socks! Will has been sitting beside me saying "DO IT AGAIN!!" so we have now been watching Davis laugh for about 20 minutes. Too cute. Thanks for sharing it!