Friday, February 27, 2009

Good, clean, fun last night

Here's Davis in his big boy high chair from Lawton. He makes this loud squawking sound when he is ready to eat. He sounds like a Pteradactyl (well, I think.) He does this between every single bite if I don't feed him fast enough. He is not crying, he's just signaling that he's ready for more. I didn't realize how loud it is until I fed him at Salsalito's yesterday.

Then it's bath time! Look - Little bro finally grew enough blonde fuzz to make a mohawk! Jack thought it was pretty funny.

More of the crazy hair after bathtime.

Jack enjoys playing steamroller, taking Davis with him. He laughs as Davis tries to bite his nose. (There is NO WAY I would have allowed anyone to do this with Jack when he was a baby.) Here is Davis' "Why can't I move once I get into this position?" look.

Clean boy all lotioned up in his striped jammies. He is even happy to be put into his bed. If I knew they'd be as calm and happy as Davis, I'd have lots more babies!

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Julie said...

Those pictures of Davis sitting up after his bath are REALLY cute!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy hair or not ... they are 2 adorable little boys!
