Thursday, February 12, 2009

Between Loads of Laundry...

What a trip.

We are home and both boys are napping in their OWN beds. Hallelujah!

I have 256 pictures and seven videos to download, 14 bags to unpack, seven outfits with baby food stains to pre-treat, and many loads of laundry to sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away. In addition, I have about 11 voice mails to return and 50-something e-mails to review.

So, I will blog about our trip in stages, including our near run-in with the Oklahoma tornadoes on the way home.

The plan is to accomplish all of these things before I turn 30.


Julie said...

That deadline is fast approaching! Just a friendly reminder :-)

Rhonda said...

Glad you made it home. I was wondering if you ever left Ardmore or were still stuck there with destruction aftermath...

Sounds like you have a full afternoon ahead of you - you can crank all that out in a few hours, right?