Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Baby Male Pattern Baldness

The progression of Davis' hairdo...

7-17-08: Davis is three days old with beautiful thick blonde hair.

8-20-08: One month old and hair seems to be turning brown. We started to mourn the blonde hair a bit.

10-10-08: Three months old. A total red head! This is when it started thinning from front to back.

11-11-08: Four months old and...just like that...it's almost all gone. Bald baby bald.

12-1-08: Davis last night showing that his soft little hairs are sprouting again.
So, what do you think his hair color will be when he starts Kindergarten?

I want to hear! Record your predictions in the Comments section.


ren said...

I vote the blonde will come back by kindergarten :) But whatever he looks like, we KNOW he'll be cute!

Steph said...

That's crazy his hair has changed so much in such a short period of time! I say he'll have brown hair just b/c you all have brown hair.

Anonymous said...

I'm going out on a limb and predicting that he will have red hair for awhile and then blond when time for school. Wish it would stay red, though (I think). But he's precious with whatever color it becomes!


Julie said...

I'm going dirty blonde-brownish, or maybe red. But then it could be either brown or blonde. Yep, that's my vote.

Melissa's mom said...

I predict light brown hair and a red beard.