Monday, December 29, 2008

Will Davis - update #2

Will is on oxygen 100% of the time, and is now receiving the highest amount allowable for his age. His temperature is still hovering around 104.2, but cultures are not showing any bacteria, baffling doctors and making him more difficult to treat. His right lung has now partially collapsed.

The other children are beginning to feel the effects of so much time away from Cara. Victor, her oldest, has Autism and relies on his specific routine to feel secure and under control. They miss their Mom and little brother, and are wondering when it will finally be Christmas. They are considering requesting an empty hospital room to have Santa visit there. Right now, it would be too much for Will with his racing heart.

Thanks to those of you who have responded via e-mail to donate to the family.

Cara's Mom, Sue, (who lives with them two doors over) has access to their checking account. As soon as I receive a check for Cara or Greg Davis, I will walk it over for her to deposit so they will have immediate access to the funds.

Thanks again for your prayers and gifts! What a blessing it is to be a part of the family of God.

... more to come as I get more info...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Melissa - Please email me your address, I would like to send a check for this family. My friend just recently got over a bout of pneumonia--if it was hard for a grown man, I can't imagine how terrible it is for a small child! nikibelletx (at) yahoo (dot) com