Saturday, December 27, 2008

Prayer for Will...

Our neighbor and little playmate Will Davis needs prayer, so I am calling out to my blog community to intercede on his behalf. He is a very sick little boy. I will keep it short, but God knows the details.

My neighbors Cara and Greg left Tuesday for Indiana as Greg's father was expected to pass away any day. They took all four children on the road. By Friday, Will had developed bronchitis, which quickly became pneumonia. He was admitted to the hospital in Indiana and has progressively gotten worse. The last I heard was that they had to open up his chest and physically clear out his lungs for him. The chest tube wasn't working to drain his lungs.

His white blood cell count is through the roof. It is now almost one week later, and they still do not know why his body cannot fight whatever is attacking it. He is in an isolation unit of the ICU and is on morphine. His temp is still hovering around 104 degrees.

Cara and Greg are hundreds of miles away from home, and have three other small children and one more on the way. They have decided not to celebrate Christmas until little Will can join them.

The Davis kiddos: Tug (4), Victor (5), Austyn (3), and Will (2)

If you want to help, here's how:

First, please pray.

Second, the expenses are piling up. They will need a way to get Will and Cara back home in the event that Greg has to bring the other children home without them. Aside from train or plane fare and an upcoming mountain of medical bills, feeding their large family on the road is expensive and Victor has a very special diet like Jack's.

Several of the ladies at church will be setting up a fund to assist the family and I will post the information when it is all set up.

If you would like to donate to the family, you can mail a check to me made out to Greg Davis, or you can send gift cards to Costco, HEB, or Wal*Mart. If you do not have my mailing address, submit a comment and I will forward it to you via e-mail. You can also call or e-mail me directly if you wish to remain anonymous to the family.

If you have been meaning to find a way to serve, a family to help, or some way to minister during the Christmas season, please consider the Davis family. They are a precious (growing) family trusting the Lord to provide during this scary time.


Steph said...

My heart and prayers go out to Will and his family. I hope that they figure out what is going on soon and he can make a speedy recovery. Will you e-mail me your address?

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