Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is what I mean when I say my little guy shrieks like a Pteradactyl.

If you think it's loud in the bathtub, you should hear it at the library.

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Kristin said...

That is hilarious! He gets so excited - absolutely adorable.

Julie said...

What in the world is he playing with? He really likes it!
Love the shrieking- the louder the better.

Ann said...

It looks like an electric shaver! Is it? That would crack me up.

Melissa's mom said...

It IS Jack's plastic electric shaver. I think it sprays water out of the "blades." I thought it was cute for Jack to play like Daddy, but for Davis to be teething on it is just dang funny.

Rhonda said...

HOW did you film that and not show their you-know-whats?!

THAT's some good camera work there. You oughta go into a new line of work.

Melissa Beth said...

Well, Rhonda, since you asked... we have become quite adept at filming rowdy boys in action... careful not to show pee-pees on film. As soon as we film one, we delete it. Can't be too careful.

And yes, that is their plastic electric razor from Grandmama. They both love it.